Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Unhealthy Attractions

This year has seen me develop a very unhealthy attraction to hard surfaces.  You all read with amusement of my encounter on Great End, well the story continues.  Last night the tarmac beckoned and I fell hook, line and sinker for its magnetic qualities.  Upshot is - a broken right arm!  Much to the disbelief of FSS, who with some reluctance transported me to the A&E department of Chorley Hospital at nine o’clock last night.  Three and a half hours later a quite jubilant young doctor pointed out to us both on screen a clean break of the ulna at the elbow joint.

Currently I am in a sort of sling contraption to support the arm, but am due at the fracture clinic first thing Thurs morning.  Don’t know what to expect then.  How is this sort of fracture dealt with, maybe TF can enlighten? 

Excellent cakes on Saturday thanks go to Julie and Joan and to Christina for additional support.

All for now!


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