Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Recreational Drugs for Saturday

What a lightweight the pharmacist is, obviously not a fellrunner! Coming off Great Knoutberry on Sat my knee was unbearable and I honestly didn't know if I would be able to stand much more of the downhill stuff. Decided to press on to next checkpoint (as you do) consoling myself that two thirds of the climbing and therefore descent had been done. Had a bar and 400mg ibuprofen (which I had been taking every four hours, starting half an hour before the start). Didn't touch it really, but then on the advice of FSS took high strength (400mg I think) PARACETAMOL about 20 mins later. This combination seemed to really help and the pain was bearable to the finish, although the pace did slow and this could have helped as well.

By the way talking to Ian Kelly at the start and he said he had a nasty reaction to Voltorol (Diclofenic) so I won't be trying that one.

Hope this helps


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