Friday, August 27, 2010

Brrr, in fact double Brrr

What a sterling effort that was! Me White Man, You Brave. I don't know about the Swimmerbraves but we spectators had goosebumps. And that was just our clothes! I've had a one-second discourse with myself and plumped for being a spectator again should the event be repeated next year.

Let's pretend we're looking forward to this.

Well, I suppose we'll have to get in sometime.

EtU contemplates turning back

Who's who

Mary takes the lead. Unfortunately it was Rafe's, so he spent the rest of the time threshing around in the water in a somewhat demented manner.

FSS surges away from NicO. Okay then, FSS inches away from NicO.

EtU establishes a commanding lead

EtU just gets in before Mary. Or should that be out? Sorry about the ungainly pose EtU.

The Brass Monkey expression.
NicO starts showing off now she's in the comfort zone. Well, near the end then.

I'm forever blowing bubbles.
About those pictures at the end of your blog NLN. Are you sure you've not mixed some holiday snaps in? There was no such weather coming down the ramp.

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