Sunday, August 31, 2008

Three ~ Two ~ One ~ Zero!

Although we knew, as Ian descended from Yewbarrow into Wasdale, that he was behind his schedule, we were heartened to see that his spirits were high (see below) and he was raring to continue across the high fells towards, eventually, the Moot Hall. He had been supported from Honister by the lone Dave Bateson, who had to contend with carrying all the kit and food, navigating and the awful slippy conditions on the rocks around Gable.

After refuelling on bananas and rice pudding, Ian set off up Scafell with Albert, Karl and Bill of CFRA. He was followed by small group consisting of TF and Yours Truly (see later).

We next saw Ian from Dunmail Raise as he descended Steel Fell, wearier but still in good spirits. Before he arrived we had been entertained by two Americans who were convinced that they had found a body, sown into a body-bag in a nearby ditch. Pauline took command and sent me off to investigate. The body turned out to be non-existant and the bag turned out to be one of the rock sacks that are used to chopper up stone for rebuilding eroded paths.

On arrival Ian further refuelled and set off up Seat Sandal with Suzanne, Phil and Rae (?).

I'll leave Pauline to post details of the rest of the day.

Back to Scafell ~ The following group took in Scafell and Scafell Pike before returning to Wasdale, despite the party leader's sterling efforts to get completely lost, which included failure to recognise Foxes Tarn (where should the apostrophe go?), a diversion off Scafell Pike down the Borrowdale route to the top of Piers Gill and more toilet stops than you could shake a stick at. However considered map reading by TF recovered the situation on both occasions and the car park was finally regained after about four and a half hours.

Not sure whether the following smile is of relief, amusement or just pure amazement that we finally reached the top of England.

And if you hadn't realised, the title of this post refers to the height of Scafell Pike in feet.


PS ~ Dave Powell-Thompson, going for a standard BG on the same day, had baled out at Dunmail before we got there, having lost too much time on the slippy conditions.

PPS ~ Is "earnt" a word?

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