Monday, October 15, 2007

Disappointing News

Perhaps this needs to come under the title of 'I don't believe it' as news of Mr Shuttleworth's early demise courtesy of a Yorkshire Dales Bog are sadly unfounded. Apologies to those for whom this is 'old news'.

I attended a 'ta ta' do on Saturday evening for one of my Salford team-mates Tricia Sloan (is this a joke pseudonym? Ed). Tricia's off to Cambodia for 2 years to manage a hospital for VSO, so it leaves me to fly the flag for Salford Ladies on the fells. So imagine my surprise when amongst this group of Tricia's family, friends and work colleagues Neil appears, very much alive and coughing (and spitting? Ed).

The evening did leave me and Ruth (also Salford) pondering the facts that 1) runners can't dance and 2) we still attract 'unusual' people to talk to. Ed, if you called him a 'lazy bugger' as you passed him floundering in the bog, then he heard you! (Guilty as charged. Ed).


Julie, Is it OK if I sign all my Ed-iting (as above) then everyone knows who wrote what? I'll tackle the "runners can't dance issue" at some later date. Ed.

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