Saturday, December 31, 2011

We saw them !

Yes a pair of Snow Buntings on the gravel just before the mast buildings on the run up to the trigpoint, and very sweet they were too.  Just checked for an image and found this one


and recognised them.   Well camouflaged against the stone and gravel.  This was the highlight of the morning really,  very very wet and grey.  Not particularly cold, but after a couple of hours I was beginning to feel it. 

Four turned out TF, IcedKev, YJ and me.  Pike, Two Lads, Trigpoint at which YJ left us to head down the diagonal.  The remaining three headed back down the ramp to the hole in the wall, along the road before turning to head back via allotments, Quarryman’s path, road to Dangerous Corner and back in via Little Houses car park.  Back at cars for 11.30 is with 9.3 miles covered.  YJ had also just got back to the cars having covered similar mileage over different ground.

Happy New Year to everyone and looking forward to seeing folk next year….


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