Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Week 6

Mon 27th April

Looking for a bit of variation I take the path along the side of the Hulton Estate. Peel Holdings had big plans to transform this area into a championship golf course ready for the Ryder Cup in 2030/2034 here's the glossy website https://www.hultonpark.co.uk/ . Lots of local opposition, and here's the website https://www.hearthulton.com/ . All things on hold for now.

There isn't ROW access across the park, but the woods at the SE corner were a nice run on a warm day.

Tues 28th April

News from Tenerife that Dad has had another wander. Search party sent out again, but this time he arrived back by himself in a taxi. The care team have been onto Doctor who has agreed to try him with some 'drops' to help calm any agitation, normally would require a 'face to face' consultation. What may help is some of the dementia drugs, but these can't be prescribed without a diagnosis, diagnosis requires a scan among other things. That would have been due to be done last week, but cancelled due to Coronavirus.

Friend confirms that funeral for her Mother to go ahead on 5th May. 10 Mourners allowed in Crematorium for Service. Have a long chat about Dad and compare, much of the things I had managed to get in place to help Mum and Dad have been down to the advice received. Really appreciate the support.

Weds 29th April

Government deadline for their 100000 swabs a day is fast approaching. Our team at the Etihad now has competition from a larger 'drivethru'  pop-up site, located on one of the larger carparks. Cars are using the same entrance causing confusion for drivers. Reports of new site 'pinching' customers. All sounds a bit Fred Karno's, glad to be located where I am.

Thurs 30th April

100000. Won't last! Getting to really know our team swabbing, we have a laugh and joke so it's not all serious stuff. Getting used to sharing lots of good stuff via WhatsApp, which is new to me, but apparently used a lot among the other community teams.

Had someone turn up in a minibus to have a swab, nearly demolished the porch structure. Luckily the security guard spotted that it'd be to high to go underneath. Send a message to Property Services to have some height restriction notices put up. Entering a new month tomorrow, things starting to feel a little permanent now, the 'new normal'.

Friday 1st May

Decide to head out West today, along Lock Lane to explore a few footpaths around Lostock.

Thankfully no cows to negotiate in the fields just North of the Motorway. Just over 10K

Sat 2nd May

We're getting requests from the Health and Well Being Team, to see if we can accommodate daily home visits. Suggest a max of 8, to start with and lists prepared the day before so that appropriate order can be chosen to make effective use of time. First list comes through for Sunday and I set about planning my route. Probably the closest I'm going to get to orienteering for a while.

Sun 3rd May

Devise a plan for the visits with my partner for the day. We want to spend as little time in each property as possible, so suggest a chair in the hallway so we can just step inside the house/flat briefly, complete the swabs and then depart. There's no getting away from the fact that we need to done our PPE outside the property, so all the neighbours will be watching. Do feel a bit like something out of a Sci-Fi film.

It's good fun driving the van though.


1 comment:

Ed the Unready said...

So now you're White Van Mam!