Festive Disorientation 2013
Not a bad turn out for this one given that it was only advertised via the Fellrunner forum about 2 weeks to go.
2 courses on offer, Long = 6 controls and Short = 4 controls (miss 1 & 2), controls to be visited in any order. Des gave me my usual starting block of 'first off', so not much chance to guage the preferred optimal route. I chose A-C starting with no 3, but a fair number went clockwise including the eventual winner.
Saturday's run
I decided on a gentle run on the previous day and headed over towards Rawtenstall for a run over different ground. By chance I came across SELOC's permanent orienteering course near Clowbridge Res. Whilst working my way round a few of the control sites I came across this interesting feature. Anyone care to guess what it was used for (clue - it doesn't involve sheep)?