Monday, August 27, 2007

Downhill Race

Just seen the results on Norman's blog ~ why wasn't Gordon last? He seems to have beaten seven people! The recce we did the week before obviously paid off.


Mark Davies just before he was handed over to the Swift bros for the final leg of his successful BG. It would appear that at this stage (about 18 hours in) smiles are not contagious.

Saturday 1st September 2007

Meet at the Bottom Barn at 8.30 am (?).

Distance: Nothing too silly, JHS is away on holiday so we can all relax.

Is There a Future for WFDBWGUA?

Every now and then I return to WFDBWGUA with renewed enthusiasm, but this soon evaporates and it languishes, becoming once again out of date, but hey, let's give it another go.

I suppose one of the problems is that because the number of readers/potential contributors is so small everyone has heard what's happened before it gets onto the blog. But never mind, I'll persevere.

If you want to contribute you can either offer a comment, or email me with what you want included at Not sure how well comments will work, perhaps some of you could offer the odd comment and we'll see how it goes.
